28 Oct


As the demand for construction projects continues to rise, the need for employees does as well. While industry leaders are celebrating the growth of construction needs, the current labor shortage is preventing them from fully reaping all of its benefits and exploring its full potential.

As many baby boomers are phasing into retirement, the younger generations express staggeringly little interest in the field. These two circumstances are leaving many open positions unfilled.

Much of this can be attributed to the heavy emphasis on college careers, as many young people don’t associate the construction industry with higher education. The truth is that many executive construction careers require college degrees, and as for the jobs that don’t, there are still quite a few lucrative options to explore.

If you’re someone who is looking for a career change or trying to decide which professional direction you want to journey towards, here are a few reasons why considering the construction industry is a smart choice:


Because there is a surplus of open positions, the construction world has turned into a candidate-driven market. While this is frustrating for hiring managers, it’s beneficial to you, the jobseeker. Employers understand there is limited talent to hire from, which makes them contend with each other when looking to increase headcount. This results in employers offering higher wages and salaries, better benefits, healthy sign-on bonuses, and other enticing incentives.

Additionally, because the shortage is a nationwide dilemma, you’ll have the luxury of having job stability in just about every state. This allows for more freedom and options, as you won’t be tied down geographically because of your career.


Because the skilled workforce is gradually aging out of the industry, employers are developing on-the-job training programs and apprenticeships, which generally pay the workers while they are learning. This means that you don’t need previous experience before taking on an entry-level job, and the best part is that you can get paid to learn an in-demand skill.

Once you have a standard skillset, you can always advance to higher positions by completing trade programs (which is typical for electricians and plumbers) or taking on other apprenticeships. For some positions, adequate years of experience will naturally make you eligible for more advanced roles. There are also quite a few colleges offering two year associate degree programs, such as ones dedicated to construction management. If you want to really broaden your career path, bachelor and master degrees can help elevate workers to higher positions, such as VP of operations or construction engineers.


As mentioned above, the salaries for construction employees are growing, and all levels of construction work tend to have impressive pay scales.

Entry-level construction laborers tend to make an average of $15/hr to start, but some can grow to almost $30/hr.

Trades like electricians can make up to around $78,000 per year, while master plumbers can get close to six figures.

Meanwhile, executive construction careers generally pay bountifully. VP of operations can yield up to almost $250,000 a year, while construction project managers can make close to $115,000/year.

Keep in mind the pay will depend on your experience level, the hiring company, and the location you are employed in, but these figures illustrate how lucrative construction jobs can potentially be.


Younger generations have grown up using technology, and they’ve grown quite reliant on its convenience. While the construction industry has been notoriously slow to jump on the tech train, industry leaders have started to get on the same page with modern times. Advancements are changing the way the construction industry operates, which will lead to new jobs being created as well as more streamlined and efficient building. Exciting new tech developments construction workers can look forward to seeing include:

  • Drones are already popular when it comes to surveying data in a quicker and safer manner.
  • Wearables are helping to keep workers safe by monitoring their vitals and alerting them to nearby hazards.
  • Augmented reality allows workers to create visual replications of projects and monitor for mistakes before any actual construction takes place.
  • Real-time project management software allows projects to be managed in a streamlined, intuitive way rather than with the monotonous manual way of the past.
  • Modular construction allows for eco-friendly, expedited building.
  • Cool roofs help keep homes cool without the need for air conditioners, reducing the impact of greenhouse gas emissions.


At the end of the day, one of the best parts about working in construction is that you get to actively take part in constructing the world around you. There are few greater feelings than working hard to create the functioning environment where people live, work, and play. From entry level workers to experienced executives, all labor forces in the construction industry are participating in an honorable profession that directly benefits communities large and small.


Hopefully this information helps shed some light on why exploring construction careers is a smart choice that can lead to a lifelong, rewarding profession. The industry can cater to a large amount of interests, and you can find an option no matter what your experience level is. The possibilities are truly endless.


S.R. Clarke Consulting Services, Inc. has been helping match talented candidates with exciting career opportunities for over 41 years. If you’re ready to make a valuable career move, browse our list of construction jobs or get in touch for more information on how we can help your professional life fully take off!

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